12th of February, 2017

Edit – 13th of February 2017: The “More to Read” -section has been updated as well, with an up-to-date collection of what webcomics I read and follow.

And we’re mostly done with the visual overhaul of TLH’s site! Nothing has changed that drastically, but a lot of key items were revamped and changed, some with minor fixes and some that had to be built from the ground up. Took all day, too. But now it’s done! And man oh man, what a trip it was. No one told me you need to be constantly checking your site on other browsers and computers to make sure everything works as it’s supposed to, when updating said site. And we had a similar setup over at CBan’s place, so there was, like, double the amount of screens showing the same website for about 12 hours straight.








I’ll be updating the smaller things in the site as I find things to update (like the “more to read” -page), but most of the stuff is now out of the way, and I’ve got a good amount of buffer pages for TLH’s first chapter. Everything’s under control and a-okay.

Huge thanks to CBan356 for practically doing the revamp for me and saving me from a lot of headaches! Cheers mate, I owe you a beer. Oh wait, do you even drink beer?